Personality Dimensions with the Year 10 students
ST. james' anglican school
the brief:
Ella Pearce, the Head of Careers at St James Anglican College, contacted Jenny Gleeson after seeing Jenny’s advertisement in Bev Johnson’s quarterly In-Focus Careers newsletter looking for schools to pilot the Canadian based Personality Dimensions profiling tool. Ella was keen to roll out the program with her 71 Year 10 students prior to subject selection so students would feel more confident in choosing Year 11 subjects that aligned with their personality type and careers of interest.
Our key objective was to ensure that all 71 students and their individual personality types:
felt engaged
felt accepted for who they are
were matched with different career options
and gained a greater understanding of who they are and how they prefer to function in the world.
Ella, Jenny Gleeson and Abbey Piggott from Southwest Mindfulness (qualified Level I Facilitator of Personality Dimensions), with the amazing support and backup of Gina Newport (Level I Personality Dimensions Facilitator), worked together to put together a robust, fun filled and insightful series of workshops for the Year 10 students, ranging from value card sorts, vision boarding, competitions, guest speakers, online profiling, and even a play enacted by their Teachers, who represented the
different colour types found in Personality Dimensions®!
"I learned that our values make up the way we act. I enjoyed seeing how I was on the fence for a few situations and didn't really fit into one colour."
"[I liked] learning about the colours and realising no one person will have attributes found in only one colour."
"values and morals that seem quite different can be connected - that was interesting."